frequency skin diaries

your go-to guide for all things wellness.

Top Wellness + Style Trends of Summer 2024: Explore the Latest Wellness Trends Shaping the Industry This Season

As the temperature increases, so does our need for fresh, soothing skincare solutions. This Summer, skincare trends are all about favoring your natural beauty with clean, effective, and holistic products. Below we've laid out Summer 2024's hottest trends that are taking...

Brighten and Tighten Your Under-Eye Area with Frequency's Eye Candy Eye Cream

Here at Frequency we don't just make it look good, we make it work well too. We're particularly proud of our Eye Candy Eye Cream, because it is a gentle alternative to retinol. The skin...

The Top Essential Oils in Skincare Products for Anti-Aging

  Essential oils have been used for centuries in skincare for their natural anti-aging properties. Frequency Skin cultivates our skincare products with venerated and effective essential oils, and we choose each one based off of...

Why You Need Jojoba Oil and It's Many Amazing Benefits

Jojoba oil is a popular ingredient in many skincare products, and for good reason. This oil is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can benefit your skin in numerous ways. In this article, we'll...

Achieve Flawless, Glass-Like Skin with Frequency's Glass Skin Facial Cream

‘Glass skin’ is a Korean beauty phrase that describes impossibly dewy, poreless skin. Looking for a skincare product that can give you the flawless, glass-like skin complexion? Look no further. Introducing frequency's Glass Skin Facial Cream. This revolutionary cream...

The Top 5 Benefits of Frequency's Lavender Dream Mask

Are you looking for a luxurious, effective, and natural way to pamper your skin? Look no further than frequency's Lavender Dream Mask. Made with only the finest natural ingredients, this mask is designed to give...

Get Fuller, Plumper Lips with Frequency's Sweet Lips Plumper

Plump, full lips are a highly coveted beauty feature. While there are many ways to enhance your lips, not all products are created equal. Frequency's Sweet Lips Plumper is a unique product that can help you achieve...

5 Summer 2023 Trends

We’re here to give you our best 2023 Summer trend forecast, to make sure you’re in the know and ready for Summer. 

How to Build a Skincare Routine for the ‘Glass Skin’ Look

'Glass Skin' originates from K-beauty. Korean skin care is a wellness practice, and considers how skin is related to the whole body, as well as considering how the skin works as an ecosystem. Here at...

we got you, babe

here at frequency we love to share what we know abut all things beauty and wellness. our blog is a go-to resource for holistic skincare, activewear style guides, and more!