frequency skin diaries

your go-to guide for all things wellness.

The Evolution of Activewear From Gym to Street Style: How Activewear Has Become a Fashion Statement

The Evolution of Activewear: From Gym to Street Style Activewear has undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from basic gym gear to a fashion-forward staple. Over the years, it has seamlessly blended comfort, style, and performance,...

Top Wellness + Style Trends of Summer 2024: Explore the Latest Wellness Trends Shaping the Industry This Season

As the temperature increases, so does our need for fresh, soothing skincare solutions. This Summer, skincare trends are all about favoring your natural beauty with clean, effective, and holistic products. Below we've laid out Summer 2024's hottest trends that are taking...

Brighten and Tighten Your Under-Eye Area with Frequency's Eye Candy Eye Cream

Here at Frequency we don't just make it look good, we make it work well too. We're particularly proud of our Eye Candy Eye Cream, because it is a gentle alternative to retinol. The skin...

Unlocking Radiance: The Transformative Power of Retinol in Your Skincare Routine

From smoothing out texture to keeping breakouts at bay and dialing up your glow, it's the secret weapon your skincare routine has been missing. Frequency Skin's Youth in a Bottle 2.5% Advanced Retinol Serum is the...

Top Skincare Ingredients for Spring: Treat Allergies, Dry Skin and More

Spring is here! Which also means allergy season, eczema, rashes and a whole lot of skin concerns. We’re here to break down how to treat these issues, so you can enjoy the outdoors instead of hiding...

The Top Essential Oils in Skincare Products for Anti-Aging

  Essential oils have been used for centuries in skincare for their natural anti-aging properties. Frequency Skin cultivates our skincare products with venerated and effective essential oils, and we choose each one based off of...

The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide 2023

The holiday season can be chaotic, but Frequency believes that what you put on your skin—from beauty products to clothing—affects your mood, vibrations and overall well-being.  So this holiday season, Frequency will have you and your...

The Top Yoga Poses to Open Your Hips

Practicing yoga is an excellent way to open up your hips, increase flexibility, and improve overall mobility. In this article we explore the top 5 yoga poses that are effective in opening and strengthening the hips...

Ayurveda 101: The Key to a Holistic Skincare Routine

Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to skincare that goes beyond surface-level beauty. Frequency was founded on Ayurvedic philosophies, which we applied to our beauty products to create long-lasting, effective skincare solutions...

we got you, babe

here at frequency we love to share what we know abut all things beauty and wellness. our blog is a go-to resource for holistic skincare, activewear style guides, and more!